The Rev. Reagan Gonzalez was called to be Rector of the Episcopal Church of Reconciliation in the summer of 2024. Reagan has a passion for community life that is grounded in inclusivity, and she continues to be inspired and drawn to Reconciliation’s values of radical hospitality, creativity, in-the-round worship style, and outreach. She loves to preach, teach, tell Godly Play stories to children, and introduce people to an open-minded Christianity where questions are welcomed, and where we trust that we learn best by struggling together to hear where the Holy Spirit is calling.
Reagan was born in Odessa, Texas and raised in Bozeman, Montana. She grew up attending St. James Episcopal Church in Bozeman, and later served as its Youth Director and Christian Formation Director before attending seminary. She is a graduate of Montana State University with a degree in Microbiology. After college, Reagan spent a year living in intentional community during a year of service with the Episcopal Service Corps. This experience deepened her faith and confirmed a desire to formally discern a call to ordained ministry. She earned an MDiv from the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas and was ordained to the priesthood in 2018. Since her ordination Reagan has served four communities, including Grace Church, Cuero, and as Associate Rector of St. Luke’s, San Antonio. Reagan is married to Bryan, and they have two children.