Reconcilers, as you can see in this wonderful picture, Doc Navarro, Steve Gilliam, and Eddie Cox have been hard at work building this “house filled with love, food for body and soul” our own little food pantry on the campus of Reconciliation! Thanks to Sister Maureen and the Franciscan Sisters of Dubuque, IA, we received a wonderful grant that allows us to build and maintain this little food pantry to assist our neighbors who are experiencing food insecurity in these very difficult and challenging days. Thank you to Smokey Kiel who is leading the way for this unfolding ministry! If you have any questions and/or a desire to help maintain and provide items for this new and vital ministry, please speak directly to Smokey.
I am reminded of the wonderful lyrics to the hymn we often sing here at Rec, “Let us build a house…”
Let us build a house where Love can dwell and all can safely live.
A place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive.
Built of hopes and dreams of vision, rock of faith and vault of grace;
Here the love of Christ shall end divisions.
All are welcome. All are welcome. All are welcome in this place!
May each of us not only sing these wonderful lyrics but even more importantly live the words we sing!!
If interested in donating to the pantry and are not sure what to donate, click here for a list of items.