Psalms is the only book of the Bible in which God’s people speak to God – and they did so honestly and openly and with great faith.
When our ancestors in the faith, the children of Israel, got into trouble they called upon God. When they celebrated, they glorified God. When they were afraid, they hid under the shadow of God’s wings. When they gathered for worship, they did so with songs praising God.
All of this we are experiencing in these days. And all of these emotions we find in the psalms of the Hebrews. Psalms is the only book of the Bible in which God’s people speak to God – and they did so honestly and openly and with great faith. A mark of the psalms is that even when the people were angry with God, or questioned God, or railed against God, they remained faithful and hopeful, with a sure and certain belief that God would not desert them.
Today we find ourselves in the same circumstance: our future is uncertain, our loved ones are suffering, and we are all afraid.
When Bishop David Reed asked the Diocese of West Texas to study the psalms in 2020, he could not have chosen a better scripture for our times. The plan of the diocesan Adult Christian Formation consultant was to prepare a curriculum for release at Pentecost 2020. Instead, we are going to crank up the diocesan Adult Christian Formation website now and live the psalms. In the coming days and weeks, we will offer reflections, study materials, thoughts and suggestions for coming into the presence of our God, asking God to bless us, and relying on God as we remember that nothing can separate us from God’s love.
We invite your participation by commenting, giving us feedback, and offering your own thoughts and inspiration. You can do so by sending an email to Marjorie George at
May God bless you and hold you in God’s strong arms and ceaseless love.