Every Sunday, from 09/08/2024 to 10/07/2024, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Inquirer’s Class, September 8- October 6
Sundays, 9:15am - 10:15am, Alban Classroom
This 5-week series is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the history, polity, worship, and theology of the Episcopal Church. Newcomers are highly encouraged to attend, as well as all those who want a refresher on our tradition.
This class also serves as a prerequisite for those who would like to be Confirmed or Received, or to Re-Affirm their faith during Bishop Read’s visit to Reconciliation on October 13th. Youth around 7th or 8th grade (or older) who are interested in being confirmed are welcome. Please contact Rev. Reagan to register or if you have any questions,